No matter what type of business you’re in, it always seems that day to day office life can start to dull your senses and have you watching the clock by midday. What if there were a few helpful, and super unique, gadgets to help you turn your office space of any size into the perfect place to be productive, recharge and kick ass all the way through to Friday?
1. Foot Hammock
Sitting in an upright office chair can really start to take its toll on your posture and lower back, no matter what your age. While some offices have opted for standing desks, that doesn’t help relieve the fatigued muscles and body slump that hits about 2pm. A foot hammock easily attaches under your desk, allowing you to lift you feet while you lean back and continue to work until closing time. Believe it or not, but that tiny break of putting your feet up can really go a long way when it comes to finishing off the day on a strong note.

2. Exercise Ball/Resistance Band
Much like the hammock lets you kick back for a bit, keeping a little stash of low impact exercise equipment can really help you feel rejuvenated before the day is done. Taking a quick 15 to stretch it out, bend it back and boost a few endorphins means less of that end of day struggle, and a better feeling body to hit happy hour!
3. Rainbow Maker
Nothing dulls your productivity like a gloomy day. Brighten up your work space with your very own rainbow! This cool little gadget gives you the zen-like feeling of sunny, summer days and adds little pops of bright colour to turn your rainy day the other way!

4. Colouring Books
It wasn’t long ago that stress-relieving adult colouring books hit the market and took off running with their huge popularity. At a low cost and being able to be used nearly anywhere, keeping an office stash of some Crayolas and a book can help you to lower any midday stress and take a little brain break. Eating lunch alone? Do a little colouring while you snack and let your mind relax and focus on something else. Just watch how refreshed you will feel when you return to work.
5. Healthy Snacks
Nothing slows down a day’s productivity like a hunger slump. That post-lunch hunger rolls in and you start to feel dull and lethargic. Keeping a little stash of healthy snacks can work wonders on reviving you until you head home for dinner. Things such a trail mix, granola bars and even a little bit of chocolate and perk you up and keep you productive until the clock strikes 5 – And don’t forget to stay hydrated! Skip the sodas and keep a reusable water bottle close by to keep your focus up.
6. Cleaning Supplies
While most offices have an after-hours cleaning company that swoops in after everyone has left, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep a little bit of the work for yourself. Brain on overload and looking for a quick distraction? Grab a few Lysol wipes and do a little sanitize and organize of your work space. You’ll get a nice little brain break, not to mention the fresh scent and organized space will help you to focus and feel back on track.
7. Ostrich Pillow
Everyone gets a lunch break, or a smoke break, or some even get a break whenever they’d like. Enter, the Ostrich Pillow. This handy little new pillow allows you the plop your head down on your desk and catch some Zzzs, while giving you comfort, privacy and blocking out any office noise. Extra tired today? Speed through your sandwich and grab a quick 10 minute power nap comfortable at your desk. You’ll thank us later.

8. Plants
Since many people suffer from allergies, not all offices allow for real, living flowers. However, greenery is usually a go! From tropical looking leaves to simple succulents, adding some plants to work your space can help turn a drab office into something that feels more home-like and zen. While it may seem like a small change, tiny touches can really go a long way when you’re spending extra hours at work. Try adding a few little plants to desk or work space and watch the difference it makes.
9. Whiteboard Clock
Stop watching the clock and waiting for quitting time. Instead, try a whiteboard clock! This handy new gadget helps to not only break up your day to keep the hours pressing on, but it also helps you time-block and manage your tasks with ease. Work away, and when the clocks hits your next task, you’ll know to switch it up. It’s also great for showing you how much time you need to allot for projects in the future, and keeps the day sailing by.

10. Desk Light
Nothing is worse than getting in the zone on a big project and being interrupted by a colleague asking you to sign a birthday card. Solution is simple! You can add a light to your workspace that politely lets people know when you don’t want to be disturbed. This works great for shared office spaces, as they can see your red light and know to come back later. In contrast, you can flip the light to green when you cruising through the day and don’t mind a little impromptu chitchat.

Whether you work in a shared space or a traditional office, any tips and tricks to help the day go smoother are always a good idea. From keeping you calm to revamping your afternoon brain fog, there is no shortage of helpful gadgets. Looking to turn your office into a shared space? Don’t forget to check out the amazing selection of co-working spots Spacie has to offer!